Be Well specializes in offering ketamine therapy to individuals seeking relief from treatment-resistant depression or alternative pain management solutions. They required a cohesive brand identity and a website to establish credibility, build trust, and connect with their target audience.
Services: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Website Design

The Challenge
Be Well faced the challenge of establishing themselves as a credible and professional provider in the emerging ketamine therapy industry. Without a digital presence, it was difficult to showcase their expertise, services, and patient success stories to potential clients. Additionally, the clinic needed a brand identity that conveyed their commitment to high-quality care, inclusivity, and ongoing support while standing out in a competitively niche market.
The Goal
The goal of this project was to establish a professional, cohesive brand identity reflecting Be Well’s commitment to excellence in mental health treatment. The website needed to serve as an accessible digital storefront, showcasing the clinic’s qualifications, services, and testimonials while building trust with potential clients. I aimed to align the brand and website with industry standards while highlighting Be Well’s unique role as a trusted provider of holistic care in ketamine therapy.

The Solution
The solutions focused on developing a professional brand identity and a user-friendly website that aligned with Be Well’s mission and industry standards. A modern logo and cohesive visual system were created to reflect the clinic’s professionalism and build trust with clients. The website highlighted services, testimonials, and qualifications, ensuring accessibility and credibility while establishing Be Well as a leader in holistic ketamine therapy.